Life is so good you can sit at your computer and check out:
It's a huge cyber sale...don't miss out.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Design Team "Moonlight Journey"

I am excited---and delighted---to be selected as a "design team" member for "Moonlight Journey". They are a top notch company that supplies collage sheets and designs for artists. They are fresh and beautiful. Check them out and now---to do some art for them. Hang with me. I think you will love them too.
Friday, November 4, 2011
art---not for the timid
I think most people know that I belong to a group of four women who create art---usually at my house. We have worked on some amazing projects---some I would never have tried on my own. That is the point---to stretch ourselves. This piece is a canvas "bird house" made with twigs and wires and some split threads for the resting bird's nest.
The other is a clay tile box lid, done in L. Mika style. It is a piece honoring my Mom. There are hand made tiles formed, painted and baked---resting around a picture of my Mom and two of her friends. A lot of love went into this piece.
This last posting is actually Debi's I believe. It is a mandala which is a piece of art made of mostly paper, and "gold leaf". Our friend, Sally, showed us this technique. She said she wasn't a teacher, but she directed probably eight of us (that day) to make a beautiful rendering. I have such a time locating my different photos, but I have promised myself to start posting some of what I am doing. Till next time...Geo
Stormy Weather
It is an unusual rainy day in San Diego. The wind is blowing and it is what we call cold and a good day to snuggle in with a good book. The problem is the weather has played havoc with Carlsbad High School's traditional parade for their homecoming. When asked---very few people could not remember when it has ever RAINED ON THEIR PARADE. The thing is, at the game tonight there is always so much planned for the band, cheerleaders, Lancer Dancers, Flag Corp and presentation of the court. I am not certain what will transpire for sure. I do know that in Michigan (my home town) a little rain was a blessing---especially at this time of year. We would most likely encounter hail, coming down sideways, snow, slush, and winds that really ARE something to talk about. Rain is considered almost a "warm weather" activity. Especially in Lansing, MI. where I have heard they have the least sun of any place---in MI that is. Back to Homecoming at CHS. So many people have worked so hard with floats, practices, etc. etc. What a disappointment---but, like most relaxed Californians, we'll survive, and look to "bright side of life" That is--- the important day---the homecoming dance. I have heard rumors that not a lot of kids go to the dances. I hope that is just a rumor---cause dances are so much a part of high school. Don't lose faith, Lancers, in the words of Annie---"THE SUN WILL COME OUT TOMORROW. Have fun---be safe---the roads are slippery---
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Birthdays and Anniversarys
What a weekend this has been. As we approached the weekend I was reminded daily that my Mom's anniversary of one year since she died was approaching. In so many ways it has seemed longer since I had the gift of returning to MI to care for her in her last days. When I feel sad I remember she IS where WE all hope to be...her tears have been washed away and turned into laughter. We are the ones who still miss her ways and support and work when anyone moved or had a rummage sale since her passing. I still hear from people who have been touched by some act of kindness from her. So as the day approached...I remember it is Jack's 13Th birthday on that same day. She had a special relationship with Jack. The Gibson's is where they usually stayed when they came to CA. She loved seeming to help--especially Jack, as he was usually the only one home in that busy household. One of the ways they would pass time is a card game mom taught Jack called GOLF. Don't ask me how to play---she never showed me. She also liked to get him in the habit of doing his homework right away after school so if he "hurried and got everything done"after dinner they could watch "Jeopardy". I say watch because to a normal person's hearing the words are all jumbled because the volume is so high. Jack always respected and "played along"---even though he had other things to do, he would often times delay them, as he knew Gram ma wanted him to play cards or something. Jack is our "gentle spirit". He is the one that seems in tune with someone perhaps having a "bad" day. He would be the one to come up to you---unnoticed (he hoped) to hug you and encourage you. Often times he has said to me, "...Gram ma, we haven't had much time together. Maybe we could do something soon." I am getting off track---back to Mom...
As Jack's birthday approached last year we knew Mom was dying. We also knew that she would deny being superstitious---but she would NEVER DIE ON THE THIRTEENTH! Heck, when we would book her flights OUT HERE TO CA, we not only had to watch the layovers, the times, the seat assignments---we knew Mom would NEVER FLY ON THE THIRTEENTH and certainly NEVER BE SEATED IN THE THIRTEENTH SEAT--- IN THE THIRTEENTH ROW! And so---you guessed it---Mom died on the 14Th of October, at 9:15 am. Oh, that's another thing---we knew she wouldn't die at night---she was always afraid of the dark!!! And so dear Jack----you have the HONOR of Granny T dying on your birthday...and you know, it's o.k. cause Jack always was so kind to Granny. We all know she is smiling down on us---but especially the "birthday boy". We love you Mom!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
One of my artist friends wanted to do some "felting". She felt (excuse the pun) she had all the stuff but wasn't certain how to use it. Anything to gather and share. It was almost embarrassing how simple the process is. You can use "roving" (which she had an excess) or boughten felt or old wool pieces or yarns and other embellishments or anything you wish to "put yarn or a design on". We began quite simply---see photo---but quickly graduated to silk scarfs and anything we could get our hands on. Back to the process. A very sharp barbed needle is used to breakdown yarns to insert them into another item---be it clothing, decor, or whatever you wish. The action of your wrist to "break up the yarns" in an up and down motion is what can be dangerous. I work pretty fast and since I have a tool, with three or four needles, I can pounce down quickly and even hold a conversation. Once or twice you pounce on your fingers---never to be forgotten.
I have been busy. How can that be---retired, no kids home, and as a matter of fact, I loaned out my car which has "grounded" me to home. I marvel at how quickly the time can pass when I just stay at home. My hours are filled with "projects". Be it art, cleaning my "art room", trying to think of my next class to teach and which "art" should I work on. I am fortunate enough to have many talented artists as friends and we try to gather when we can. On Tuesday there are four of us who stretch ourselves to try new methods and mediums. Keith has been so very generous in accepting the "group" and often times runs out to get our lunch at a wonderful deli. Anyway---here are some of the things I have been working---rather---playing with.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Class Reunions

I had to decline my 5oth high school reunion. I know you're all thinking---that can't be so--trust me, it is so. Living in CA and the costs of travel and other commitments we had to say no. (Keith's reunion was the same weekend) I so wish I could be a "fly on the wall".
It seems like yesterday we celebrated our 25Th. So much had went into the prep. I was living in Lansing at the time---and trying to figure out if I started my diet in June would I "make it" by the date of the reunion. It was at "Boyne Apple Mountain" and I recall climbing a hill with "classmates" to have our picture taken. I tried to be cool in heels that were sticking into the soft earth and praying silently I didn't fall down. The days of having people laugh were not pressuring me anymore. I do recall in school, Miss Penty (English teacher at St. Andrew's"), telling me she saw nothing funny about me. I had stood up in front of class to give a required speech. For some reason---honest, I do not know, the class laughed at me and she promptly sent me back to my seat. I acted cool and nonchalant about it---but I was dying. Not giving the speech was going to cost me. There are many stories---and they play back in my mind when these reunions roll around. But back to the 25Th. Everyone was cheerful and huggy and proclaiming, " look the same," but quietly rejoicing they had their senior picture pinned on them. I also recall paying more for my bra than I did for my dress. (this day and age, I just pray I can keep a bra on for the length of time I need to.)
Keith and I moved west in 1990, but I do remember seeing a classmate, Dick Taylor, at a GM Christmas party. Our eyes had caught each other and I was itching for the speaker to be done so I could see him. He was always in my homeroom and I would consider him a good friend. He always smelled good, wearing "Old Spice", and I remember once in school he and a Zilwaukee buddie told me that they had a 400 bowling game over the weekend. I wanted to appear I knew sports :) so I fussed how great they were. Finally they blew my knowledge of the game, by saying, "...a perfect game can only be 300" than they laughed. Seems I was always making people laugh...but back to GM. The speech had ended and I started out to meet with Dick, gave him a big hug and began talking about families etc. As he was speaking I noted something beige around my waist. That was a riddle since I had a "holiday" dark, skirt on. I looked down and to my horror, my pretty holiday skirt was nearly on the floor. Seems the tiny hook and eye didn't hold. I did the only thing I could, bent down, picked up my skirt and re-fastened it. As I did, Dick said,
"Georgia, you 'll never change." you know---maybe he's right. I MAKE PEOPLE LAUGH---but just saying, "all happiness isn't measured by smiles".
'61 will never die...please raise a glass to me---and see you at our 60th!!!!!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Fathers Day - June 19, 2011
What a special day---Father's Day---a day when dad sits and holds court, while his adoring children crown him with many gifts...and compliments. Often times there is a meal in the "mix". We had a breakfast---eggs to order; bacon, crisp; cheesy potatoes; fruit; orange juice; toast...Usually we reminisce a bit---mostly light "digs" at dad; or times dad rescued us. One thing for certain---"...these are little scraps of magic & when you paste them together you get a memory of something fine & strong. Sometimes it takes till you're a lot older to see it though" Gratefully, we have seen how "dad" is perfect---for these three beautiful kids, who do him proud. Happy Fathers Day, Poppa, you deserve it!!!!
Friday, May 20, 2011
May---a month of dance recitals, upcoming graduation, letters of college acceptances, try-outs, and
Our first granddaughter went to her junior prom last week. How can that be???? Her "Poppa" and her "soul mate" went to record the event. We saw a most beautiful girl in her flowing gray/silver dress, with sequins at the top. Her blond, long hair was off to the side with something threaded through the hair to accent it. She proudly lifted her hem and showed some "slave/gladiator" silver shoes---you know---the strap ones with higher heels than her high chair just a short time ago. It reminded me of the time she so proudly held up her ballet shoes. Shortly thereafter she held up her tap shoes with her invite to dance in competition. With any pair of shoes she dances trough life, enjoying every moment. ( She had worked very hard on the prom for the outgoing seniors---knowing full well---next year was her senior year.) As I hugged her goodbye, I told her, "...granny T put a dime in the hem of my prom dress to call home if we needed to for any reason, they would come get us." She smiled at me, and looked some befuddled----and said---"...why did you get a dime?"
Oh, her date Matthew, was handsome in his tuxedo, and as they drove off---I said," on your I phone if you need anything and oh yeah, thanks for the pictures of the place. They came over so clearly. Have fun "Abba Zappa"---senior year is right around the corner!i
Our first granddaughter went to her junior prom last week. How can that be???? Her "Poppa" and her "soul mate" went to record the event. We saw a most beautiful girl in her flowing gray/silver dress, with sequins at the top. Her blond, long hair was off to the side with something threaded through the hair to accent it. She proudly lifted her hem and showed some "slave/gladiator" silver shoes---you know---the strap ones with higher heels than her high chair just a short time ago. It reminded me of the time she so proudly held up her ballet shoes. Shortly thereafter she held up her tap shoes with her invite to dance in competition. With any pair of shoes she dances trough life, enjoying every moment. ( She had worked very hard on the prom for the outgoing seniors---knowing full well---next year was her senior year.) As I hugged her goodbye, I told her, "...granny T put a dime in the hem of my prom dress to call home if we needed to for any reason, they would come get us." She smiled at me, and looked some befuddled----and said---"...why did you get a dime?"
Oh, her date Matthew, was handsome in his tuxedo, and as they drove off---I said," on your I phone if you need anything and oh yeah, thanks for the pictures of the place. They came over so clearly. Have fun "Abba Zappa"---senior year is right around the corner!i
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Masters---no fun for the Mrs.
Saturday, with a million things to do, I find myself sitting and watching the "Masters" with Keith. It started with, "maybe we'll see John". (where he has been sited in the past, usually at the 16Th hole.) He is there on one of his "programs", but no luck. Then I am totally drawn in by the two "young guns" that are leading. While Keith is watching technique---I am wanting to know specifics about them. Where are they from? How old?? I bet he hates his curly hair? Where's Tiger? Ohhhh, I bet he's mad. And what about Phil??? I hope his wife and mom are better. The announcer says "Se vie" was too ill to come from Spain. What's wrong with him? "Young Guns"???? Our youngest, Matthew, is twice their age. I tried golf. Took lessons with a female "pro" from who I learned at least some of the "terms". Then I decided to impress my son in law, John---who is a GREAT, "crossover" golfer, with many talents. I acted like I wanted him to teach me golf. We got the gear---of course I had golf clothes...and headed to the course. I took out a "driver" and placed my ball on the tee, positioned my hands---and looked at john. I asked him, "which way should I swing?" He looked at me with disbelief, threw his head back and laughed that wonderful laugh he has and told me, "Georgia, you're too afraid of getting your pumps dirty to golf. Short lived career where I pictured myself a "Nancy Lopez on tour. It was HOT on the course and I thought a moment and said---"you're Right John. I'm too young to golf." Now, WHAT DID YOU AND GEOFFREY DO WITH THE ANTIQUE CLUBS I HAD IN MY GARAGE????
Thursday, April 7, 2011
I'm afraid this blog is becoming much like prayer---in a busy life. You have all the good intentions, even saying you are going to converse with God when you don't really need anything. Getting real spiritual, you want to thank Him for all the blessings and joy in a life that is filled with riches. unfortunately, time happens and you utter one liners during the day---but not enough. If any relationship consisted of "one liners", before long---there would be NO RELATION. It's a good thing my God is patient and ready to "talk" when I am---in the meantime---He just keeps me in His care.
Monday, February 7, 2011
I have been away from this blog for awhile...guess reluctant to finish the "story" about mom. In the mean time...SUPER BOWL!!! Gosh, it is nearly a national holiday. We settled in with more snacks than we could ever changed around to accommodate the guests...and a bet---(larger than $1) made with Keith. I went with the "underdogs", (even though Mom was born in Pittsburgh) for $25. My choice of teams was purely emotional---I DID think it was time for the trophy to return to WI---(after all it was called Lombardi.)---and I thought WI had the cuter quarterback. They certainly came out fighting. It was one of the first few plays---a touchdown for Greenbay---and what do you think---a flag was thrown. EXCESSIVE CELEBRATING was the call for FIFTEEN YARDS!!!! I was mad---it seemed so harsh for some guy knelling down, all by himself, in the end zone. Consider this---football has all these overgrown, overpaid, well padded "boys". The whole intent of the game is to gain access to a football---that someone else has. Some players get overzealous and grasp a "face mask" or hit late or a thousand and one plays worthy of a penalty. The game itself is set up to hit, tackle, push the ball out and "jam pile" if the ball comes loose. So answer me why a fifteen yard penalty for ONE GUY---not hitting or hurting (at least physically) any one else. Just him---all alone---end zone---kneeling???!!!!!
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